Deploy from an exists bytecode
Get your wallet public key
Copy const publicKey = await window . unisat .getPublicKey ()
Copy import { getAddress , GetAddressResponse , AddressPurpose , BitcoinNetworkType } from 'sats-connect'
const getAddress = () => {
return new Promise ((resolve , reject) => {
const getAddressOptions = {
payload : {
purposes : [ AddressPurpose .Payment] ,
message : 'Address for signing veda message' ,
network : {
type : BitcoinNetworkType .Mainnet ,
} ,
} ,
onFinish : (response : GetAddressResponse ) => {
resolve ( response .addresses[ 0 ])
} ,
onCancel : reject ,
await getAddress (getAddressOptions)
const publicKey = ( await getAddress ()).publicKey
Constructing deployment data
Encode constructor arguments data
Copy import axios from 'axios'
import Web3 from 'web3'
interface Contract {
bytecode ?: string
abi ?: string
const getInscriptionRequest = async < T >(inscriptionId : string , path : string ) => {
return ( await axios .get < T >( ` ${ ord } / ${ path } / ${ inscriptionId } ` )).data
const getInscriptionContent = async < T >(inscriptionId : string ) => {
return ( await getInscriptionRequest < T >(inscriptionId , 'content' ))
const getConstructorAbiItem = (abi : string ) => {
return JSON .parse (abi) .find ((item : any ) => item .type === 'constructor' ) || null ;
const web3 = new Web3 ()
const args = [
// Your constructor arguments here
const { bytecode , abi } = await getInscriptionContent < Contract >(contract)
const data = web3 . eth . abi .encodeParameters ( getConstructorAbiItem (abi).inputs , args) // args is constructor arguments.
You can also obtain the ABI file and encoded data in any way you prefer. The above is just a simple demo to show you how to encode the data required by Veda.
Copy {
"p" : "veda" ,
"publicKey" : "YOUR PUBLICKEY HERE" ,
"action" : "deploy" ,
"nonce" : 0 , // Wallet tx count
The deployment method of Veda differs from that of ETH. Since ETH cannot persistently store the complete contract bytecode on its own, it needs to concatenate the bytecode and the encoded constructor parameters as the complete data in a transaction. However, in Veda, to facilitate the reuse of bytecode, only the encoded constructor parameters are required when passing data. The complete bytecode data is directly fetched by Veda-core via Ordinals. This not only saves the size of the 'deploy' instruction but also makes it convenient to reuse contract bytecode.
Generate transaction hash
Copy import RLP from 'rlp'
import { keccak256 } from 'web3-utils'
interface Instruction {
p ?: string
publicKey ?: string
txHash ?: string
addressType ?: 'p2pkh' | 'p2sh' | 'p2wpkh' | 'p2tr'
action ?: 'execute' | 'deploy'
contract ?: string
bytecodeLocation ?: string
nonce ?: number
data ?: string
sigType ?: 'ecdsa' | 'bip-322'
sig ?: string
interface DeploySerialInstruction extends Required < Omit < Instruction , 'txHash' | 'action' | 'contract' | 'sig' >> {
action : 'deploy'
interface ExecuteSerialInstruction extends Required < Omit < Instruction , 'txHash' | 'action' | 'bytecodeLocation' | 'sig' >> {
action : 'execute'
const serializeInstruction = (instruction : ExecuteSerialInstruction | DeploySerialInstruction ) => {
const instructionAsArray = [
instruction .p ,
instruction .publicKey ,
instruction .addressType ,
instruction .action ,
instruction .action === 'deploy' ? instruction .bytecodeLocation : instruction .contract ,
instruction .nonce ,
instruction .data ,
instruction .sigType ,
return RLP .encode (instructionAsArray)
// Example
const sampleInstruction : DeploySerialInstruction = {
p : 'veda' ,
publicKey : 'YOUR PUBLIC KEY HERE' ,
addressType : 'p2wpkh' ,
action : 'deploy' ,
bytecodeLocation : 'BYTECODE ORDINALS ID HERE'
nonce: 0 ,
data : 'DATA HERE' ,
const serializedData = serializeInstruction (sampleInstruction)
const txHash = keccak256 (serializedData)
Sign deployment data
Unisat (Recommend, SigType: bip-322)
Copy const txHash : string // generated
const sig = await window . unisat .signMessage (txHash , 'bip322-simple' )
Copy const txHash : string // generated
const address = ( await getAddress ()).address
const getSig = () => {
return new Promise ((resolve , reject) => {
const signMessageOptions = {
payload : {
network : {
type : BitcoinNetworkType .Mainnet ,
} ,
address , // Payment Address
message : txHash ,
} ,
onFinish : resolve ,
onCancel : reject ,
const sig = await getSig ()
Re-Constructing instruction
Copy {
"p" : "veda" ,
"publicKey" : "YOUR PUBLICKEY HERE" ,
"addressType" : "p2wpkh" ,
"action" : "deploy" ,
"nonce" : 0 , // Wallet tx count
Inscribe deployment data
You can use any way to inscribe your data. Veda org will also deploy an inscribe service in few weeks.
Deploy your own bytecode
Compile your contract
You can compile your contract on or use any other method you prefer.
Constructing bytecode and abi
Copy {
"abi" : "YOUR ABI STRING HERE" , // Must stringify your abi
Inscribe bytecode data
See Inscribe deployment data
Last updated 9 months ago